Jessica Roberts Photography

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2016 Behind the Scenes

What a year it's been! 25 AMAZING couples, 25 beautiful wedding days photographed. I've just delivered the last one of the year, and I am so excited to marathon lots of reality TV, catch up on some blogging, set some new goals for next year and show you guys this year behind the scenes!

Columbia SC Wedding Photographer Behind the Scenes_0066.jpgEvery wedding with a second shooter this year always had a few shots that I was in. We test light on each other, we make sure to grab funny moments, and sometimes I just plain walk into their shots on accident.

Like this.

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And I can also ruin them this way.

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But mostly, photos are of the back of my head. Here's me doing the "in the veil" kisses that I love to deliver!


Me risking death

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Doing what it takes to get the angle I need:

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And from what it looks like, awkwardly petting people. I'm sorry Sam and Alex.

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I guess I do this a lot.


Sometimes light test shots are so cute on other people! Mine are not.

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Here's me setting up a first look!

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Rachel wanted to dance with every guest on her wedding night, me included!

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I call this the lean.

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Here's a time I wore my hair down the entire wedding day- only twice did I do this!

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Light tests in the dark with my invisible dance partner

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I'm a DJ now!

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When the bride's heels are hurting her feet, you give her your shoes and walk barefoot!

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And you also take cell phone photos for guests

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Just honestly the greatest year, I am so blessed to do what I do!

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This is what it's all about- that excitement from seeing the back of the camera!

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SO many people helped make all of these wedding days what they were. Look at Jennifer's team of people in her hotel room! And thank you helpful bridesmaid for your reflector pillow!

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Morgan and Will and their paparazzi!

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Second shooters and other vendors!

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And that time the guests wanted a picture with me, with my own camera. Let's do it haha.

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