Jessica Roberts Photography

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Breakdown of a $100 session

I charge $100 for my sessions. They do not include digital files or prints or products, you purchase those later once you're viewing your gallery. This I feel works for me, it allows people with all budgets to shop the way they need to, and I really wanted to be able to be affordable and suit to all people's needs (only needing 5 files, wanting 50 files, wanting just prints).Today I found myself asking if $100 for the session needed to increase. I really don't want to increase my prices (I already get a few emails about being "expensive"), but if I crunch my numbers and don't see a profit that can keep me afloat, I will have to go up.So here's today's $100 session, which was lovely. You may think "Oh she went out and took pictures and made 100 bucks!" but I REALLY didn't. Here's the breakdown.Time spent from potential client's first message, planning a session, selling myself, writing an invoice, discussing location and ideas, and scheduling in the books and locking down the session payment- Total of 45 minutes.Time on Etsy looking for the most affordable paper heart garland, Googling how to do it myself, and ultimately buying from Etsy anyway- an hour of time and $14.Packing up for the session with my 7 trips to the car (blankets, furs, teepee, rocking chair, three crates, camera equipment, small props) and getting my equipment ready- 20 minutesDriving to session- 5 minutes (this is sometimes 30 minutes)Setting up session (setting up teepee, stringing garland, light testing my camera, setting my white balance)- 15 minutesI was at this session from 4:15 to 5:50- 95 minutesDriving home- 5 minutesChlidcare when my husband isn't around- $20Transporting roughly 300 raw files to computer, backing them up on a hard drive, culling through the bad ones, narrowing a gallery down of about 80 images- 15 minutesEditing, transferring raw files to jpegs, posting a sneak peek on the business page, renaming files, creating a gallery, uploading gallery, typing up a gallery welcome message- 4 hoursAlso if there is a sale, I will place a print order, burn a disc, add another 15 minutes.TOTAL TIME: 515 minutes which is 8 1/2 hours.Remember I spent $14 (sometimes this is a lot more), and the days I have childcare, I spend $20.Assuming this was NOT a childcare day, and leaving out gas because this one was close to me, I worked 8 1/2 hours and made $86. That's $10 an hour BEFORE I have to pay taxes on it.If this WAS a childcare day, and I had a session at some of my popular locations that are a 25 minute drive from me (which is $7 in gas round trip), subtract another $27 from that total. I would have worked over 9 hours and made $59. That's $6 something hourly BEFORE I have to pay taxes on it. (Also add in me picking up my child and the gas if it wasn't on the way)Of course I don't give away my digital files for free, I charge for those, but sometimes I will still only make $60 on a gallery sale. Adding another $60 to those income numbers really doesn't make it that much better.This is just some depressing food for thought. $100 sounds great, but once you really look at the amount of work from the first conversation to the end of the order, it's a lot of time. $100 doesn't take it very far. Typing this out was a big eye opener for me!