My baby is ONE!

I can't believe the day is here. Tomorrow my baby has his first birthday. WHAT A YEAR!! It's crazy to think back on this time last year; this night. I got preeclampsia AGAIN on the exact same week as I did with Cameron, and we started the process for my VBAC. Over 24 hours later, I'm so thrilled to say I got the VBAC I wanted so badly! And we met our little man. One of my best friends was there to photograph it.2019-01-30_0021.jpg

Here's another one of my wonderful friends who took his newborn photos, and our announcement to the world with him!


I felt so loved, so comforted for the journey ahead, and one thing I wish I could convince myself back then that I know now is this: It's going to be fine. It's going to be more than fine, it's going to be wonderful.

Here's our little guy through the year!2019-01-30_0002.jpg2019-01-30_0003.jpg2019-01-30_0004.jpg

And today!


And now we get to the birthday party!


I thought he was going to love it.. I thought he would dive in, throw is on the walls, cover himself in it, eat until he got sick. Turns out, he did EXACTLY what his brother did... HATED CAKE.2019-01-30_0014.jpg2019-01-30_0015.jpg2019-01-30_0016.jpg2019-01-30_0018.jpg2019-01-30_0017.jpg

I was shocked that Cameron didn't like cake (here's a throwback to his first birthday..)


And here we are, duplicate children. LOL!2019-01-30_0022.jpg

He managed to perk up once we got rid of the cake and went back to balloons.HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN!! I love you so much.



A St. Joseph's and 701 Whaley Wedding in Columbia, SC


A recap of 2018