My baby is ONE!
I can't believe the day is here. Tomorrow my baby has his first birthday. WHAT A YEAR!! It's crazy to think back on this time last year; this night. I got preeclampsia AGAIN on the exact same week as I did with Cameron, and we started the process for my VBAC. Over 24 hours later, I'm so thrilled to say I got the VBAC I wanted so badly! And we met our little man. One of my best friends was there to photograph it.
Here's another one of my wonderful friends who took his newborn photos, and our announcement to the world with him!
I felt so loved, so comforted for the journey ahead, and one thing I wish I could convince myself back then that I know now is this: It's going to be fine. It's going to be more than fine, it's going to be wonderful.
Here's our little guy through the year!
And today!
And now we get to the birthday party!
I thought he was going to love it.. I thought he would dive in, throw is on the walls, cover himself in it, eat until he got sick. Turns out, he did EXACTLY what his brother did... HATED CAKE.
I was shocked that Cameron didn't like cake (here's a throwback to his first birthday..)
And here we are, duplicate children. LOL!
He managed to perk up once we got rid of the cake and went back to balloons.HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN!! I love you so much.