Jessica Roberts Photography

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Three days later..

About that last post... I spoke too soon. Our short back story is that we had always planned for Columbia and were hoping for it to work out. Columbia gave my husband a date that they would call and give him some news, and that date came and went last week. We decided to accept the Charleston position he was offered and start house hunting and make it official. While house hunting Monday, we got the Columbia call. We considered the two for about 15 minutes and just turned the car around, heading for Columbia. Charleston would have been wonderful, I'm sure we would have made it work, but Columbia is home. Columbia has grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins for my son, and that is so so important to me. So here I am, three days after announcing my move to Charleston, saying this:Jessica Roberts photography Columbia Lexington photographerGetting out of the military sure is a wild ride. But it all seems to be falling into place the way I have hoped and prayed. We have put an offer on a home in Lexington, where we will be living. I am pretty familiar with the area and very excited to be there. And I'm still near my Target. Priorities.To Lexington and Columbia people reading this, I am moving there in early December and do not have any plans to start working until after Christmas, I think it's just going to be too much. Beaufort, my calendar is COMPLETELY booked for November, I may open up some December but I may just take that month off to make this move and transition a little easier on us. I'll come up with some answers soon but I am very happy to make this the LAST announcement this business will see for a while!