5,000 reasons to celebrate

June 30th is here, and every month I evaluate all of the income I made and everything I spent. It took 13 months of business (and I honestly thought it would take longer), but I am so excited to share that I reached a goal this month that I had set out for myself this year.

I made $5,000 in one month.

By 24 dollars hahaha. BUT I DID IT!!! And I have never hit 5,000! I came incredibly close one month but didn't make it. I am not sharing this at all to brag, I am sharing this because I want to inspire other photographers starting out, or scared to start out, and put a real face with a real name to show you these goals ARE realistic, and they CAN be achieved. (If you haven't read the post about how much money it cost me to start out, click here). I think we are all terrified and convinced this business make us live in debt for years, and the chances of having a sustainable income from it are rarer than being struck by lightning. (That's actually happened to my husband in a field op! haha). These negative thoughts will bring you down, they will convince you it isn't worth trying, you'll tell yourself there's no point and you'll fail because you never gave your dream a chance.

Well here I am, most of you know me, you know I'm a Marine wife living in Beaufort but longing for a bigger city, and I love Target and sweet tea and dry inappropriate humor. I started a photography business last year from no formal education, I am not in debt, and I made $5,000 this month in my 13th month of business. You CAN do it too. You just have to work all day and learn all night, but you CAN. And I seriously mean work ALL day and learn ALL night, I have lived like I've been in a serious internship for the past year and a half. It's possible though! Keep this positive in you when you get down on yourself, because I've been there many nights, but here it is, it's achievable because today I achieved it. My two goals for the year: Make $5,000 in one month and get published in something. Anything. The first happened today and the second is actually in the process (fingers crossed, and details once it's out.)

BOOM! I'm going to go buy a $7 glass of wine at a restaurant now because I never let myself splurge!


Welcome to the world, Rosalie | Beaufort and Charleston, SC Birth Photographer


Beaufort, SC wedding photographer | Adrian and Sara